Think Oily Skin Doesn’t Need A Drink? …Drink Again!

It’s one of skincare’s biggest myths: Oily skin and daily moisturizing don’t mix. Too often people with borderline oily skin think they need to dry skin out and use a toner. This only increases sebum production and makes the problem worse. The myth-busting fact is - even oily skin needs daily hydration.

First, let’s determine if you even fall into the skin-slick category. Who doesn’t get a little summertime shine? However, if your skin turns into your own personal oil crisis within an hour of washing your face – then you can wear the oily skin label proud. But most likely, you have combination skin.

So how to hydrate oily skin? The trick is to add hydration without adding oils. With slightly oily skin you want to stay away from heavy moisturizers loaded with shea butter and petroleum based ingredients. Re-apply your moisturizer every time you wash your face (once or twice a day for you oily faces), and within 3 minutes of cleansing if you want the biggest boost for your hydrating buck.

And if you just can’t resist the tightening and cooling benefits of using a toner, look for one that contains glycolic acid to cut through the oil.

And of course - T-zone only, please!