A little help from your friends

When you are diagnosed with MS, you may feel singled out or isolated. Your life starts to be full of exceptions: things you can't do or have to do differently. But there are thousands of people who are sharing your experience – roughly 55,000 to 75,000 people in Canada have MS.

If you have MS, or if a friend or family member does, there are many support groups you can turn to for advice, to share insights and experiences, and to connect with others who know what you're going through.

A good place to start looking for a support group is our community support database. We can point you to hundreds of support groups around the country for people with MS, caregivers, and family members. Many of these groups are part of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada; you can access a full list of their local groups on their website.

The Internet has become one of the greatest helps for people who feel isolated because of a health condition. There are many Internet-based support groups and other Web-facilitated connections for people affected by MS.

  • Online bulletin boards and forums provide places you can visit and post messages on a variety of topics – you can request information, share experiences, talk about things you like and dislike, meet others like you, and generally reduce your level of stress.
  • Email lists are even more interactive: every time a member of a list sends an email, everyone else on the list receives it, allowing detailed discussions between many parties on any topic that might come to mind.

There are many sites with online bulletin boards, email lists, forums, and similar electronic connections, such as MSWorld. Talk to your local MS support organization to find out about other forums and lists.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2023. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/MS-and-Your-Support-Network